Skinwalker Ranch, Utah's legendary site for UFO encounters and other paranormal events, as seen by a photographer and a reality show
Many stories have been told about Skinwalker Ranch, the 512-acre site in Utah’s Uinta Basin that has spurred reports of UFO sightings, cattle mutilations and other unexplained and possibly paranormal phenomenon.
There’s a reality show on the History Channel, “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch,” that follows the crew of scientists trying to get to the bottom of what’s going on out there.
There’s also a new photo exhibit, “Skinwalker Ranch Portfolio,” viewable online through the University of Maryland Art Gallery. It showcases some 80 photos by Christopher Bartel, who worked security at the site from 2010 to 2016 — and captured landscapes and the more mundane aspects of the ranch.
I talked to Bartel, to the gallery’s curator, and to the ranch’s owner — real estate multi-millionaire Brandon Fugal — about the ranch’s mysteries and realities. The story is here, at